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Application & Reporting Deadlines

Fall Cycle:

Application available- August 15, 2024


Application due -  October 15th, 2024

Award Notification/Check Presentation- end of November/beginning of December 2024

Project Implementation-Jan.-May 2025 (funds must be spent)

Final Report Due - June 6th, 2025

Application & Reporting Deadlines

Spring Cycle:

Application available- January 15, 2025 

Application due - March 15th, 2025

Award Notification/Check Presentation- first week of May

Project Implementation-August-December 2025 (funds must be spent)

Final Report Due - January 9th, 2026

New Teacher Grant

Application & Reporting Deadlines

Application available- August 1, 2024


Application due no later than -  September 15th, 2024

Award Notification/Check Presentation- start of 2nd nine weeks

Funds must be spent during 2024-2025 school year

Final Report Due - no later than May 1, 2025

Woodmen Way Student Grant

Application & Reporting Deadlines

Application available- August 1, 2024 

Application due - October 15, 2024

Award Notification/Check Presentation- end of November/beginning of Dec. 2024

Project Implementation, Funds, and final Report -applicant will choose either: 

January-June 2025 (funds must be spent by May 1, 2025, with a Final Report due June 30, 2025), OR


June-December 2025 (funds must be spent by December 1, 2025, with a Final Report due January 31, 2026)

2025 Super Grant Annual Application and Reporting Deadlines

Application available – November 1st


Application due – February 28th

Award Notification/Check Presentation - first week of May

Project Implementation- June 2025-May 2026 (funds must be spent)

Final Report Due – June 5, 2026


Thanks to the generous support of our donors and community members, Greenwood Education Foundation is pleased to offer approximately $20,000 in grants each awarded cycle year via two programs:

1) Education Innovation and Excellence - GEF has limited the grant amount to $2,500.  We encourage district-wide and/or collaborative projects across schools.


2) Professional Development - Professional development grants support the growth, development, and leadership of our corporation staff.  Applicants for this funding stream must work with the Building Principal and District PD Coordinator. Funds may not be used for certifications and/or graduate credits. Grant awards in this category may cover registration fees, but may not be used for expenses related to gas, food, and hotel costs.  


All employed staff and administrators in the Greenwood Community School Corporation are encouraged to apply.

We will only accept one application per individual per school year as a project lead. For example, if you received a grant during the Spring Grant cycle in 2024, you are not eligible to apply until the Spring Grant cycle in2025.

Collaborative grants across buildings and departments are strongly encouraged (please note - there is no limit to the number of collaborative grants an applicant can be a member of).

Applications and evaluations MUST be submitted via the online grant application and reporting form.  We are no longer accepting paper applications via interoffice mail OR as email attachments.

The online application and scoring rubric is based on the following values/scoring system:


Project Title/Headline = 5 Points

Student Reach = 5 Points

Project Vision and Description = 15 Points

Learning Outcomes and Measurement for Success = 15 Points

Budget = 5 Points

Additional Materials = 5 Points

The online application and scoring rubric can be found here:




Grant applications will be anonymously reviewed by members of the Greenwood community. After said review, members of the Grants Team in conjunction with the GEF Board Chair will further review and applications with the highest scores will be presented to the Greenwood Education Foundation Board of Directors for final approval.


Failure to submit photos and final reports on or before the due date will result in loss of grant eligibility for at least one year.

Click on the link below to complete the final report

DUE 6/7/24

DUE 5/1/25

DUE 1/10/25


Q: Who can apply for the New Teacher Grant?

A: Qualified applicants include any full-time teacher employed by the Greenwood School Corporation, who is also in the first three years of teaching. This does not simply mean an individual in the first three years teaching in Greenwood schools; rather, the first three years of one's teaching career. 


Q: What is the goal of the New Teacher Grant?

A: The goal of the New Teacher Grant is to offer financial support directly to any qualified applicant who is trying to establish a collection of supplies, resources, and curriculum needs for their classroom.


Q: How much is the New Teacher Grant award?

A: The New Teacher Grant is an award up to $300 and paid directly to any qualified and approved applicant.


Q: What deadlines should I be aware of?

A: The application is due no later than September 15th and the final report is due May 1st. A detailed, final budget should be included with the final report. A final report form will be available at for your convenience. The New Teacher Grants will only be available once a year between August 1st and September 15th.


Q: Can I apply for the New Teacher Grant more than once?

A: A teacher may apply for the New Teacher Grant for each year that is included in the first three years of their teaching career. Award recipients of the New Teacher Grant are also permitted to apply for the GEF Fall or Spring Grant cycle, and the annual GEF Super Grant.


Q: What is the goal of the Woodmen Way Student Grant (WWSG)?
A: The WWSG is intended to encourage students to use innovative and creative ideas to further the opportunities and impact of a student club, group, organization, event, or team at Greenwood Middle School or Greenwood High School. These ideas should prove valuable/worthwhile to the educational experience and benefit other students and/or the school community. 


Q: What are the WWSG deadlines? 

A:  The grant application will be available on August 15th and due no later than October 15th. Award winners will be announced, and distributions made around the first of December.


Q: How much is the WWSG award?
A: The grant award is $1000.  Grant applicants are encouraged to be creative in reaching this budget (or getting as close as possible).  The award will be limited to $1,000.  Applicants with a budget exceeding $1,000 should be prepared to identify how the project can be implemented for $1,000 or additional sources of funding that will be used for implementation.


Q: Who can apply for the WWSG?

A:  Any Greenwood Middle School student or Greenwood High School student may apply. Additionally, the student applicant must also have a staff sponsor. Furthermore, if the student applicant is a high school senior or an eighth grader at GMS, there must be a co-applicant who is not a senior/eighth grader due to the implementation and final reporting requirements.


Q: Who is qualified to be a sponsor for this grant?

A: A sponsor must be a full-time Greenwood Community Schools staff member AND must also have an affiliation to the student group that will benefit from the grant award. The sponsor will be responsible for oversight of the student applicant(s), application process, coordination of the budget, and purchasing in connection with the procurement coordinator for the corresponding school (when possible). The sponsor must be willing to help ensure that implementation is completed and ultimate compliance with the final reporting requirement. The sponsor will be required to fill out a Sponsor Acknowledgement Form that must be submitted no later than the application deadline (this is an additional  google form that will be available when the grant is available).


Q: What are the implementation deadlines for this grant?

A: The student applicant will be required to select one of two options for an implementation period as part of the application process. Since awards are not given until December, applicants can select implementation for January-June (the months immediately following the award) OR June-December (the following school year). There are different reporting deadlines based on the implementation timeframe selected as outlined below.


For January-June implementation, the funds must be spent by May 1st and the final report is due no later than June 30th.


Have questions on application process, reporting, or general grant questions? Contact:

Greenwood Admin Building: 605 West Smith Valley Road

Greenwood, IN 46142

Our Phone Number:


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